Some Full forms of important words:
1.) *GOOGLE* - Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth.
2.) *YAHOO* - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
3.) *WINDOWS* - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution.
4.) *COMPUTER* - Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research.
5.) *VIRUS* - Vital Information Resources Under Siege.
6.) *UMTS* - Universal Mobile Telecommunicati ons System.
7.) *AMOLED* - Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.
8.) *OLED* - Organic light-emitting diode.
9.) *IMEI* - International Mobile Equipment Identity.
10.) *ESN* - Electronic Serial Number.
11.) *UPS* - Uninterruptible power supply.
12. *HDMI* - High-Definition Multimedia Interface.
13.) *VPN* - Virtual private network.
14.) *APN* - Access Point Name.
15.) *SIM* - Subscriber Identity Module.
16.) *LED* - Light emitting diode.
17.) *DLNA* - Digital Living Network Alliance.
18.) *RAM* - Random access memory.
19.) *ROM* - Read only memory.
20.) *VGA* - Video Graphics Array.
21.) *QVGA* - Quarter Video Graphics Array.
22.) *WVGA* - Wide video graphics array.
23.) *WXGA* - Widescreen Extended Graphics Array.
24.) *USB* - Universal serial Bus.
25.) *WLAN* - Wireless Local Area Network.
26.) *PPI* - Pixels Per Inch.
27.) *LCD* - Liquid Crystal Display.
28.) *HSDPA* - High speed down-link packet access.
29.) *HSUPA* - High-Speed Uplink Packet Access.
30.) *HSPA* - High Speed Packet Access.
31.) *GPRS* - General Packet Radio Service.
32.) *EDGE* - Enhanced Data Rates for Globa Evolution.
33.) *NFC* - Near field communication.
34.) *OTG* - On-The-Go.
35.) *S-LCD* - Super Liquid Crystal Display.
36.) *O.S* - Operating System.
37.) *SNS* - Social network service.
38.) *H.S* - HOTSPOT.
39.) *P.O.I* - Point of interest.
40.) *GPS* - Global Positioning System.
41.) *DVD* - Digital Video Disk.
42.) *DTP* - Desk top publishing.
43.) *DNSE* - Digital natural sound engine.
44.) *OVI* - Ohio Video Intranet.
45.) *CDMA* - Code Division Multiple Access.
46.) *WCDMA* - Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access.
47.) *GSM* - Global System for Mobile Communications.
48.) *WI-FI* - Wireless Fidelity.
49.) *DIVX* - Digital internet video access.
50.) *APK* - Authenticated Public Key.
51.) *J2ME* - Java 2 micro edition.
52.) *SIS* - Installation source.
53.) *DELL* - Digital electronic link library.
54.) *ACER* - Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection.
55.) *RSS* - Really simple syndication.
56.) *TFT* - Thin film transistor.
57.) *AMR*- Adaptive Multi-Rate.
58.) *MPEG* - Moving Pictures Experts Group.
59.) *IVRS* - Interactive Voice Response System.
60.) *HP* - Hewlett Packard.
*Do we know actual full form of some words???*
*🔗News paper =*
_North East West South past and present events report._
*🔗Chess =*
_Chariot, Horse, Elephant, Soldiers._
*🔗Cold =*
_Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease._
*🔗Joke =*
_Joy of Kids Entertainment._
*🔗Aim =*
_Ambition in Mind._
🔗Date =
_Day and Time Evolution._
*🔗Eat =*
_Energy and Taste._
*🔗Tea =*
_Taste and Energy Admitted._
*🔗Pen =*
_Power Enriched in Nib._
*🔗Smile =*
_Sweet Memories in Lips Expression._
*🔗SIM =*
_Subscriber Identity Module_
*🔗etc. =*
_End of Thinking Capacity_
*🔗OK =*
_Objection Killed_
*🔗Or =*
_Orl Korec (Greek Word)_
*🔗Bye =*♥
_Be with you Everytime._
LoL: laugh out loud
e.g. = exampli gratia artinya contoh.
TYPO : To Type Wrong On Keyboard
etc = etcetera artinya dan lain-lain.
YBSW (Your Brain Stop Working) = Bodoh
FYB (Fuck Your Brain) = Tolol
- Nih anak YBSW ternyata
- Dasar FYB kamu
sq = square artinya kuadrat atau pangkat dua atau persegi.
i.e. = it est artinya yaitu, yakni
a.m. = ante meredien artinya jam 00.00 - 12.00
p.m. = post meredien artinya jam 12.00 sampai 24.00
Ltd. = Limited artinya terbatas. Khusus pada perusahaan
Inc. = Incorporation artinya persatuan perusahaan
Contoh dalam kalimat.
1. There are many kinds of vehicle e.g. bus and truck.
2. I like to eat everything, meat, ice cream, etc.
3. My father has a great ricefield around 300 sq meters.
4. The research has two elements i.e. media and technology
5. We left Jember at 2 a.m.
6. We arrived in Surabaya around 7 p.m.
7. Telkom Ltd is planning to go public.
8. Mark established Facebook Inc.
Bedanya antara singkatan kata you're, i'll, we've, you've dan kata you're = you are di gunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan mu / dia tapi di tmbah dengan kata are bisa berarti adalah (dalam bentuk jamak) contohnya: you're beautifull sedangkan kata i'll = i will artinya saya akan contohnya: i'll be back : saya akan kembali.
Kata we've : we have, we: kita, have punya/harus contohnya: we've come back: kita harus kembali, we've : we've book: kita punya buku, you've=you have: kamu punya tau kan lanjutannya, jika kata your itu juga menunjukkan kepemilikan mu /dia contoh your book : buku mu.
Nah, gimana jadi tau kan arti nama dan singkatan nama nama diatas, kalo suka silahkan di share, semoga bermanfaat. Akhir kata Wassalamualaikum wr. wb..
Jika Mau komen, harap gunakan bahasa yang "sopan", hindari "Sara, Pelecehan, dan lain - lain yang berdampak negatif lainnya".
Yang mau "Copas" dan mau di post ulang harap cantumkan "link" postingan ini.
- Terima Kasih.
Monday, February 27, 2017